BOARD OF CONTROL AGENDA November 17, 2016 Hermitage, TN

    1. Roll Call
    2. Approval of Minutes
    3. Drawing for State Wrestling Tournament The Board has always given the state office staff permission to conduct the draw for the State Wrestling Tournament.
    4. 2016 Regional Meetings There were 7 proposals for changes in the TSSAA Bylaws on the Regional Meetings agenda this year. A report of these meetings will be provided to the Board of Control.
    5. Review of 2016 Fall Sports The financial reports for all fall sports tournaments will be presented at the January meeting of the Board of Control. The staff will provide a brief overview of the state tournament events in golf, volleyball, girls' soccer, and cross country. The staff will also give an update of the 2016 Cheerleading Championships as well as the BlueCross BlueShield of Tennessee State Football Championships in Cookeville.
    6. Update of Regional Basketball Sites for 2016-17 A list of approved regional basketball sites is approved for this school year. We are still in the process of finalizing sites.
    7. Approval of TSSAA Membership Contracts for 2016-17 The TSSAA Bylaws state that the Board of Control must approve or reject all membership contracts annually at its June meeting. Based on the time we receive them, it is best that this be done during the November meeting. The recommendation is that all schools be approved for membership.
    8. Outstanding Fines and Membership Dues A list of school that have not paid their 2016-17 membership dues will be provided. It also contains a list of schools with outstanding fines. Several notices have been sent to each school with no response being received by the state office. The recommendation is to not allow schools to participate in postseason competition until this obligation to the Association has been met.
    9. Update from TSSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee The TSSAA Sports Medicine Advisory Committee met on Wednesday, October 19, 2016. An update will be given to the Board.
    10. TMSAA Cross Country Championships Update The TMSAA Cross Country Championships were held on Saturday, October 8, 2016, in Clarksville, TN. An update will be provided to the Board.
    11. W.E.B. DuBois High School of Leadership and Public Policy Requests TSSAA Membership W.E.B. DuBois High School of Leadership and Public Policy is a charter school in Memphis, TN. The high school has requested membership for the 2016-17 school year. The middle school has been a TSSAA member for two years, and now the school's enrollment has increased to have a high school. The high school would initially like to offer the sports of boys' and girls' basketball and track and field. If approved, they will be placed in Division I, Class A, District 16, Region 8 for basketball and in the Class A-AA West Tennessee Section for track and field.
    12. Union County High School - Region Football Schedule Union County High School is requesting not to play a Region Football Schedule for the 2017 and 2018 seasons. The Union County High School Principal, Athletic Director, and Director of Schools will present this request to the Board.
    13. Assignors' Fees
    14. DI Regional Golf Competition The Board will review the golf regulations, specifically the number of individuals that advance from the Region to the State Golf Tournament in Division I.
    15. Unaka High School Appeals Football Playoff Sanctions
    16. School Classification Appeals
    17. Litigation Report
    18. Official Appeals Suspension of Registration
    19. Hardship Appeals
    20. Chattanooga Christian School Appeals Division II Enrollment Cutoff Chattanooga Christian School is requesting to be placed in Class A for all sports except bowling, wrestling, and football.
    21. Memphis Catholic High School Requests Cooperative Program Exception Memphis Catholic High School is asking the Board to allow them to form a cooperative agreement with St. Benedict. Memphis Catholic has fielded a team the last two years, hosting a co-op with Memphis Academy of Science and Engineering who are now forming their own team.
    22. Smyrna High School Appeals Independent Game Rule Violation Smyrna High School is asking the Board to reconsider disciplinary action taken for an independent game rule violation by one of their wrestlers.
    23. State Golf Championship Site Selection for 2017-2020