The TSSAA Legislative Council will meet via a conference call on Thursday, December 9. The meeting will begin at 9:00 a.m.

The Council will vote on three proposals for changes in the TSSAA Bylaws. The first item was discussed with administrators of member schools in East, Middle, and West Tennessee that were held in early November. It is a proposed change to Article II, Section 25 B(3) (Home School Rule) that would remove the August 15th deadline to participate. Instead, it would allow them to notify the Principal of the member school before the first contest date in the sport.

The second proposal in front of the Council would be a change to Article IV, Section 8 (TSSAA Sports Calendar) of the TSSAA Bylaws. This proposal would be a change to the Sports Calendar language in Tennis from the number of allowed “matches” to “playing dates.”

The final proposal is in regards to action taken by the Board of Control in March concerning Virtual Schools. The Legislative Council will need to take action on this rule before next school year.

Click here to listen to the live meeting at 9:00 a.m. CST on Thursday, December 9.

The full Council agenda can be viewed below.