The TSSAA Board of Control held it's annual summer meeting at the DoubleTree Hotel in Murfreesboro on June 4 and 5, 2019. The Board completed its 25-item agenda on Wednesday, June 5.

In an appeal by John Overton High School of sanctions from an incident that occurred between John Overton High School and Antioch High School during their football contest on October 26, 2018, the Board voted to remove the second year (2019-20 school year) of restrictive probation placed on the John Overton High School football program. This will permit Overton to participate in the upcoming 2019 football playoffs.

The Girls’ Soccer/Soccer post-season overtime procedure was changed to remove the two five-minute sudden victory periods. Going forward, the post-season tie-breaker procedure will now be that teams play two, full 10 minute overtime periods. These periods are not sudden victory. If, at the conclusion of the two full 10-minute overtime periods, a tie still exists, the tie shall be broken by the penalty kick procedure outlined in the NFHS Rules Book. No changes were made to the regular season overtime procedures.

A sportsmanship review for the 2018-2019 school year was also presented to the Board at this June meeting. The Board approved to allot a total of $27,000 to be awarded to the athletic department of each school that is named an A.F. Bridges Award winner ($1,000 each for 27 schools).

The Board seat of the West Tennessee independent school representative held by Kevin Starks was vacant at the June board meeting due to the recent resignation of Mr. Starks from Harding Academy in Memphis. The seat will remain open until this November's Regional Meeting where member schools in West Tennessee will elect a representative to serve the remainder of the term.