The following schools have been checked and comply with the minimum standards as set forth in the NFHS Track and Field rule book for pole vault landing pads. If a school is listed it verifies that its equipment meets the minimum standards and pole vault competition can be held at this facility. This listing does not verify that the equipment has been set up properly for all practice and competition. This is the responsibility of the head track coach for all practice and competition.

Anderson County (Clinton)
Battle Ground Academy (Franklin)
Baylor (Chattanooga)
Bearden (Knoxville)
Bolton High School
Bradley Central (Cleveland)
Brentwood Academy (Brentwood)
Brentwood High School (Brentwood)
Briarcrest (Memphis)
Campbell County
Chattanooga Christian
Cherokee (Rogersville)
Christ Presbyterian Academy (Nashville)
Christian Academy of Knoxville
Christian Brothers High School (Memphis)
Clinton High School
Collierville (Collierville)
Cookeville High School
Cordova High School
Cumberland Co. High School
Daniel Boone
David Lipscomb (Nashville)
Dobyns Bennett (Kingsport)
East Hamilton High School
Elizabethton High School
Ensworth High School
Evangelical Christian School (Memphis)
Fairview High School
Farragut (Farragut)
Father Ryan (Nashville)
Franklin High School
Franklin County High School
Franklin Road Academy (Nashville)
Gibbs (Corryton)
Girls Preparatory School (Chattanooga)
Green Hill High School (Mt. Juliet)
Greenhill (Memphis)
Greenville High School
Halle Stadium (Memphis)
Halls High School (Knoxville)
Happy Valley (Elizabethton)
Hardin Valley Academy
Harding Academy (Memphis)
Harpeth Hall (Nashville)
Houston (Germantown)
Independence HS
Jefferson County (Dandridge)
John Overton (Nashville)
Kenwood (Clarksville)
Kingsport Dobyns-Bennett
Kirby Stadium (Memphis)
Kirkwood High School
Knoxville Catholic
Knoxville Halls
Knoxville Webb
Knoxville West
Lebanon (Lebanon)
Lenoir City
Liberty Creek HS
Martin Luther King (Nashville)
Martin Luther King Park (Springfield)
Maryville (Maryville)
McCallie (Chattanooga)
Memphis Central
Memphis University School
Montgomery Bell Academy (Nashville)
Morristown West
Mt. Juliet HS
Nolensville HS
Oak Ridge (Oak Ridge)
Ooltewah HS
Page HS
Powell (Powell)
Raleigh-Egypt (Memphis)
Ravenwood (Brentwood)
Red Bank (Red Bank)
Rhea County (Evensville)
Ripley High School
Riverdale (Murfreesboro)
Rockvale High School
Rossview (Clarksville)
Science Hill (Johnson City)
Siegel (Murfreesboro)
Signal Mountain (Signal Mountain)
South-Doyle (Knoxville)
Southwind High School
St. Andrews - Sewanee (Sewanee)
St. Benedict
St. Cecilia Academy
St. George's Independent School
Stewart's Creek (Smyrna)
Stratford (Nashville)
Sullivan North (Kingsport)
Sullivan South (Kingsport)
Tennessee High School (Bristol)
Tullahoma High School
Unicoi County (Erwin)
University School of Nashville
Volunteer (Church Hill)
Watertown (Watertown)
Webb (Knoxville)
West Creek High School
West Ridge High School
Whitehaven (Memphis)
William Blount (Maryville)
The following schools are approved to pole vault in practice at the schools listed:
Alvin C. York at Cumberland Co. HS
Bartlett at Houston
Blackman at Siegel and Stewarts Creek
Booker T. Washington at Halle
Brainerd at Bradley Central
Briarcrest at MUS
Brighton at Arlington
Carter at Knoxville Halls and Jefferson Co.
Centennial at BGA
Chattanooga School for the Arts and Sciences at East Hamilton HS
Chuckey-Doak at Greeneville High School
Clarkrange at Cumberland Co. HS
Clarksville at Kenwood and Rossview
Clarksville Northeast at Kenwood, West Creek, and Rossview
Clarksville Northwest at Kenwood, West Creek, and Rossview
Coffee County at Tullahoma
Collegedale at Bradley Central and Red Bank
Collierville at Houston or Briarcrest (Memphis)
Cordova at Houston
Davidson Academy at University School of Nashville and Ensworth
David Crockett at Unicoi County
East Literature at TPS
East Ridge at Chattanooga Christian
Eagleville at Riverdale
Elizabethton at Unicoi County
Farragut at Oak Ridge
Fayette-Ware High at Houston
Franklin High School at Brentwood High School
Franklin at Battle Ground Academy (Franklin)
Frayser at Greenhill (Memphis)
Fulton at Anderson County (Clinton)
Gallatin at Lebanon, Franklin Road Academy (Nashville), and Martin Luther King Park (Springfield)
Gatlinburg-Pittman at Gibbs
Germantown at Houston (Germantown)
Goodpasture at Vanderbilt University
Grace Christian Academy-Franklin at Brentwood Academy
Greenback at William Blount
Greenbrier at Martin Luther King Park (Springfield)
Hamilton at White Haven, Raleigh Egypt and Briarcrest
Harding Academy (Memphis) at Briarcrest (Memphis) and MUS (Memphis)
Harpeth Hall at Montgomery Bell Academy (Nashville)
Hendersonville at Lavergne
Heritage at William Blount
Hillsboro at John Overton (Nashville)
Hume Fogg at Brentwood High School
Hunters Lane at TPS (Nashville)
Hutchison (Memphis) at Memphis University School (Memphis)
Kenwood (Clarksville) at Rossview (Clarksville)
Knoxville Central at Gibbs
Knoxville Grace at Anderson County and Oak Ridge
L&N STEM Academy at South-Doyle High School(Knoxville)
Lausanne at MUS
Lenoir City at Oak Ridge
Madison Academic HS at MUS
Martin Luther King (Nashville) at Franklin Road Academy (Nashville)
McMinn Central at Bradley Central, Red Bank and Baylor
Melrose at Rhodes College
Memphis Central at Houston, Christian Brothers, Briarcrest, Rhodes, University of Memphis, and Earl Bell Athletics.
Memphis East at Whitehaven, Raleigh-Egypt, and Halle Stadium
Middle TN Christian School at Riverdale
Montgomery Central at Rossview
Morristown West at Jefferson County
Mt. Juliet at Lebanon
Murfreesboro Central Magnet School at Riverdale
Nashville Christian at Lipscomb Academy and Ensworth
Notre Dame at Red Bank and McCallie
Northview Academy at Sevier County High School
Oakland at LaVergne, MTSU, and Riverdale
Ocoee Middle School at Bradley Central
Ooltewah at Bradley Central, East Hamilton, Red Bank, and Lee University
Overton at Franklin Road Academy
Page at Brentwood
Pearl-Cohn at Tennessee State University
Pigeon Forge at Jefferson County
Portland at Franklin Road Academy or David Lipscomb
Ravenwood (Brentwood) at Brentwood High School
Ripley at Collierville
Sevier County at Jefferson County
Seymour at South Doyle
Siegel High School at MTSU, Stewarts Creek HS, and Riverdale HS
Silverdale Baptist Academy at Ooltewah HS
Skyuka Hall at Signal Mountain
South Doyle at William Blount and Oak Ridge
South Greene at Greeneville High School
Springfield at Martin Luther King Park (Springfield)
St. Andrews at University of the South
St. Agnes Academy (Memphis) at Christian Brothers
St. Mary's Episcopal School at Evangelical Christian School
Station Camp High School at Franklin Road Academy, David Lipscomb, and LaVergne.
Stone Memorial at Cumberland Co. HS
Sullivan East at Tennessee High School
Tellico Plains at Bradley Central and William Blount
Tennessee at Dobyns Bennett and Sullivan North
Union City at Murray High School (Murray, KY)
Union County at Knoxville Halls and Gibbs
University School of Johnson City is approved to practice the pole vault at ETSU
Walker Valley at Bradley Central
West Greene at Greeneville High School